Sunday, April 3


I have an idea for a different blog which I will be creating after I finish this one for tonight.

So I upset one of my coworkers tonight. As horrible as it sounds, it felt great! We get bonus depending on how much we sell in a month. There was a recent change in the structure of our bonus, to be honest, the new structure sucks compared to the one we had before. But come on, who else really has any control over how much they make? Plus, the base pay we receive is way more than enough for someone my age to live on and be comfortable. But this guy comes over to me and asks me how much I made the company last month. So I let him know and then he goes on a rant about how he feels it is unfair that "we make all of this money for the company and we don't even get 5% of it back." My reaction? GROW UP! I really have a problem with people who have just graduated from college and feel entitled because of that. I want everyone to have to work in a crappy min (or below min) wage job, work too many hours and make hardly any money. Maybe then they will feel appreciative to make well over 6000 a year more than the poverty line. And these are people with no real bills and some who still live with their parents or have their parents pay their rent. AGAIN, WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING?! This probably should not bother me as much as it does but the fact that people my age are so damn clueless about how bad the economy is and who feel like at 22-28 they feel like they should be making $50,000 or more GET REAL AND BE HAPPY THAT YOU HAVE A JOB AT ALL! So it ended with me telling him that I was happy with my job, I understand where the money we make the company goes (even an idiot can figure how that it takes a lot of money to run a business) and that if he was so unhappy that maybe he should find another job, no one is making him stay and he is free to leave at any time. At this point his face just kind of dropped and he told me that he was in the process of starting his own business because he cannot stand not having control over his money and so on. So I told him good luck and moved on my work. But seriously! Ugh!

But that is my rant for the day. Now, onto my new blog idea!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're always so strong in your opinions....I'm glad you're making enough to be comfortable but not greedy!

