Saturday, March 5

Did I miss the crazy memo?

I'm not sure if I just missed the crazy bus yesterday or didn't get the memo but all day long I have had nothing but crazy person after crazy person on my phone. Now, don't get me wrong. I can understand being upset because of something that has happened but seriously! I just answered the phone, I do not know you from Adam and you are cursing about how I sent you something (ummm hello, we have never met) or how it is my fault that you have been playing bumper cars for the past three years and now you don't qualify. Ugh, I wish people would grow a brain already!

On a better note I am craving pancakes (super weird!) and in approximately 23 minutes I will be on my way to iHop (yipee!). So I am going to head back to my desk, stay off the phone (aka hide from the lonely people who have nothing better to do than fuss) and wait for my pancake time!

Thanks for listening (or rather reading) my crazy Saturday rant!

1 comment:

  1. maybe you should have offered the crazies some pancakes and made them feel better!!! haha....

    (now i'm hungry for pancakes, too...thanks A LOT!!)
