Sunday, March 20

Discover condems

So the discovery place was awesome! The race exhibit wasn't exactly what I thought it would be but I still enjoyed it. And the touch tank is still one of my favorite things in the world. They also had a germ exhibit which was amazing! There was a microscopet so you coukd see how gross you are and I am disgusting! It was great! Plus there was a place to make movies, little creatures, shoes and all kinds of stuff.

Sadly I do have one complaint...the kids. Don't get me wrong, I love kids. What I hate are ill mannered children and the parents who encourage that behavior. For instance, if I am waiting to play with something and when that person leaves your kid jumps in front, that's okay...explain to them how a line works and move not just look at me with a "I'm sorry", "well you know how kids are," nor a "too slow sucker!" look on your face. Bad parenting is a major pet peeve of mine and unfortunately it is also becoming an epidemic :( maybe I will become friends with Obama so he can grant me immunity from jail and I'll dedicate my life to just going around and punching bad there is a life goal I can get on board with :-)

1 comment:

  1. FYI: condems = condoms....

    Also, forget Obama giving you a pass, your favorite aunt in the whole wide world does NOT give you permission to go around just randomly hitting people. Violence only begets violence. And you should be nice to the poor little kids and let them go in front of you in line. They're little, for crying out loud!

    No pass for Ruby!!! :)
