Monday, March 28

two days

left until I am free!!!!! For a couple days at least. Today at work was OMG so slow! (Speaking of, did you know that OMG and LOL were added to the dictionary...who is wrong now computer? MWHAHAH take that with your red swiggly line!) Anyway, yeah work was slow and I swear, the stupidest and most wasteful part of society calls on Sundays. Its like everything else is closed so they can't go bug people at their usually haunts so they call us instead. Pffft, like I have time for your whiney butt. Somehow I did pull a cross sale out of my behind. I am still not sure how that happened though.

But on to more depressing matters. Jake sent me a text today because his piercing is infected and he wanted to know what to do. So, because I have common sense, I told him to take it out...but what does he say? "Well that isn't what everyone else said". So, I will admit that my response was a little harsh, albeit necessary. I told him that the reason it was infected was because his body was rejecting it and he didn't keep it clean like he should have but I understood that he was going to do what he wanted regardless of what I had to say about the subject and that if he actually wanted my opinion I was more than happy to help him out but if not then don't bother even asking. But that again my recommendation was to clean it, keep it clean and remove the ring. I mean, its not like I am making this up. I have had many piercings and yeah I heal abnormally fast but is it not common sense how to fix that situation? I understand that he is still young, dumb, and irresponsible but come on! I don't know. I still feel bad about it because I know he feels like I am the only one on his side most days. I will apologize to him in the morning.

But that is all I have tonight. I hope your Sunday was better than mine :)

1 comment:

  1. Ummm....Jakey-poo's disgusting lip piercing got infected and you didn't tell him that he CAN'T fix it cuz his mommy did the voodoo to make it so???

